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About barter

Overview of International Barter Trade

International barter trade, as an innovative trading model, is gradually emerging as a new force in the global trade arena. This model facilitates direct exchange of goods and services among enterprises and merchants from different countries and regions, reducing reliance on traditional currencies and injecting greater flexibility and diversity into global trade.

1. Background and Development

The development of international barter trade stems from challenges to traditional trade models and concerns about uncertainties in the financial system. Mass Barter (www.massbarter.com), as one of the international barter trade platforms, aims to standardize trade on the platform by introducing customs import clearance data as an appraisal and pricing mechanism, ensuring fairness, reasonability, and rigor in pricing. Entering Mass Barter implies that enterprises understand and accept the appraisal and pricing mechanism, committing to comply with the terms of the agreement.

2. Appraisal and Pricing Principles

2.1 Customs Import Clearance Data Appraisal

Products are initially appraised based on historical customs import clearance data collected by the system, forming the basis for pricing. Products for which the system cannot fetch customs data and, therefore, cannot be priced will be deemed unfit for listing.

2.2 Comprehensive Appraisal

A comprehensive appraisal is conducted based on detailed information about the product's origin, manufacturer, specifications, etc., along with relevant tariffs and fees. Mass Barter ensures fairness by having qualified appraisers audit the products. Only after passing the audit can the products be listed.

2.3 Market Trends Analysis

Mass Barter closely monitors actual market transaction prices and trends, using market conditions as a reference to promptly adjust pricing. Factors such as supply and demand relationships and seasonal variations are considered to ensure pricing is reasonable.

2.4 User Feedback and Reviews

Mass Barter values user feedback and reviews, adjusting product pricing based on user experience and satisfaction to ensure user acceptance of the prices.

3. Price Transparency and Fairness

3.1 Detailed Price Descriptions

Detailed price explanations are provided on the product details page, elucidating the main factors contributing to the price, including customs import clearance data, market trends, and appraiser audit.

3.2 Real-time Price Updates

Mass Barter regularly updates product prices to reflect market changes, ensuring real-time and accurate pricing.

3.3 Price Fairness

Mass Barter emphasizes the fairness of prices, ensuring all users on the platform have equal shopping rights. Once a product is listed, it signifies user acceptance of the product's price, allowing unconditional transactions.

3.4 Preventing Monopoly and Price Fraud

Measures are taken to prevent individual merchants or a group of merchants from influencing market prices through monopolistic behavior, maintaining fairness in market competition. Strict monitoring mechanisms are employed to prevent false pricing, overpricing, price fraud, and other violations, safeguarding user rights.

4. Debt Resolution Mechanism

Mass Barter provides a debt resolution mechanism to assist merchants in handling overdue payments. Merchants can apply for third-party guarantees, and after evaluation by the platform, they receive mass credit recharge. Third-party guarantee institutions bear the responsibility of compensation. Debts will be managed by the third party, allowing merchants to flexibly address financial pressures and ensure smooth transactions.

5. User Participation Mechanism

5.1 User Feedback Channel

Mass Barter offers a user feedback channel to receive opinions and suggestions on product pricing from users.

5.2 Price Review System

A price review system is established, allowing users to rate and comment on product prices, forming a collective user assessment. User participation enhances price transparency and fairness.

Through the appraisal and pricing mechanisms, debt resolution mechanism, and transparency safeguards mentioned above, Mass Barter is committed to creating a fair and transparent platform for commodity trading, providing users with a high-quality shopping experience.

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直辖市,北京市,上海市,天津市,重庆市,省,安徽省,地级市,合肥,宿州,淮北,阜阳,蚌埠,淮南,滁州,马鞍山,芜湖,铜陵,安庆,黄山,六安,池州,宣城,亳州,县级市,界首,明光,天长,桐城,宁国,巢湖,福建省,福州,厦门,南平,三明,莆田,泉州,漳州,龙岩,宁德,福清,邵武,武夷山,建瓯,永安,石狮,晋江,南安,龙海,漳平,福安,福鼎,甘肃省,兰州,天水,嘉峪关,金昌,白银,酒泉,张掖,武威,庆阳,平凉,定西,陇南,玉门,敦煌,临夏,合作,广东省,广州,深圳,清远,韶关,河源,梅州,潮州,汕头,揭阳,汕尾,惠州,东莞,珠海,中山,江门,佛山,肇庆,云浮,阳江,茂名,湛江,英德,连州,乐昌,南雄,兴宁,普宁,陆丰,恩平,台山,开平,鹤山,四会,罗定,阳春,化州,信宜,高州,吴川,廉江,雷州,贵州省,贵阳,六盘水,遵义,安顺,毕节,铜仁,清镇,赤水,仁怀,凯里,都匀,兴义,福泉,盘州,河北省,石家庄,邯郸,唐山,保定,秦皇岛,邢台,张家口,承德,沧州,廊坊,衡水,定州,辛集,藁城,晋州,新乐,鹿泉,遵化,迁安,霸州,三河,涿州,安国,高碑店,泊头,任丘,黄骅,河间,冀州,深州,南宫,沙河,武安,湖北省,武汉,十堰,襄阳,荆门,孝感,黄冈,鄂州,黄石,咸宁,荆州,宜昌,随州,省直辖县级市,仙桃,天门,潜江,丹江口,老河口,枣阳,宜城,钟祥,汉川,应城,安陆,广水,麻城,武穴,大冶,赤壁,石首,洪湖,松滋,宜都,枝江,当阳,恩施,利川,湖南省,长沙,衡阳,张家界,常德,益阳,岳阳,株洲,湘潭,郴州,永州,邵阳,怀化,娄底,耒阳,常宁,浏阳,津市,沅江,汨罗,临湘,醴陵,湘乡,韶山,资兴,武冈,洪江,冷水江,涟源,吉首,宁乡,吉林省,长春,吉林市,白城,松原,四平,辽源,通化,白山,德惠,榆树,磐石,蛟河,桦甸,舒兰,洮南,大安,双辽,公主岭,梅河口,集安,临江,延吉,图们,敦化,珲春,龙井,和龙,扶余,江西省,南昌,九江,赣州,景德镇,鹰潭,新余,萍乡,上饶,抚州,宜春,吉安,庐山,瑞昌,乐平,瑞金,德兴,丰城,樟树,高安,井冈山,贵溪,共青城,江苏省,南京,徐州,连云港,宿迁,淮安,盐城,扬州,泰州,南通,镇江,常州,无锡,苏州,江阴,宜兴,邳州,新沂,金坛,溧阳,常熟,张家港,太仓,昆山,如皋,海门,启东,东台,高邮,仪征,扬中,句容,丹阳,兴化,泰兴,靖江,辽宁省,沈阳,大连,朝阳,阜新,铁岭,抚顺,本溪,辽阳,鞍山,丹东,营口,盘锦,锦州,葫芦岛,新民,瓦房店,普兰店,庄河,北票,凌源,调兵山,开原,灯塔,海城,凤城,东港,大石桥,盖州,凌海,北镇,兴城,山东省,济南,青岛,聊城,德州,东营,淄博,潍坊,烟台,威海,日照,临沂,枣庄,济宁,泰安,莱芜,滨州,菏泽,即墨,平度,胶州,莱西,临清,乐陵,禹城,安丘,昌邑,高密,青州,诸城,寿光,栖霞,海阳,龙口,莱阳,莱州,蓬莱,招远,荣成,乳山,滕州,曲阜,邹城,新泰,肥城,黑龙江省,哈尔滨,齐齐哈尔,牡丹江,佳木斯,七台河,大庆,黑河,伊春,鹤岗,双鸭山,鸡西,绥化,双鸭山,绥芬河,抚远,尚志,五常,讷河,北安,五大连池,铁力,同江,富锦,虎林,海林,密山,宁安,安达,肇东,海伦,穆棱,河南省,郑州,开封,洛阳,平顶山,安阳,鹤壁,新乡,焦作,濮阳,许昌,漯河,三门峡,南阳,商丘,周口,驻马店,信阳,济源,巩义,邓州,永城,汝州 [5] ,荥阳,新郑,登封,新密,偃师,舞钢,孟州,沁阳,卫辉,辉县,林州,禹州,长葛,义马,灵宝,项城,陕西省,西安,宝鸡,延安,铜川,渭南,咸阳,汉中,榆林,商洛,安康,韩城,华阴,兴平山西省,太原,大同,朔州,阳泉,长治,晋城,忻州,吕梁,晋中,临汾,运城,古交,潞城,高平,原平,孝义,汾阳,介休,侯马,霍州,永济,河津,四川省,成都,广元,绵阳,德阳,南充,广安,遂宁,内江,乐山,自贡,泸州,宜宾,攀枝花,巴中,达州,资阳,眉山,雅安,崇州,邛崃,都江堰,彭州,江油,什邡,广汉,绵竹,阆中,华蓥,峨眉山,万源,简阳,西昌,康定,云南省,昆明,曲靖,玉溪,丽江,昭通,普洱,临沧,保山,安宁,宣威,弥勒,芒市,瑞丽,大理,楚雄,蒙自,个旧,开远,文山,香格里拉,景洪, 腾冲,浙江省,杭州,宁波,湖州,嘉兴,舟山,绍兴,衢州,金华,台州,温州,丽水,建德,慈溪,余姚,奉化,平湖,海宁,桐乡,诸暨,嵊州,江山,兰溪,永康,义乌,东阳,临海,温岭,瑞安,乐清,龙泉,青海省,西宁,海东,格尔木,德令哈,玉树,海南省,海口,三亚,三沙,儋州,文昌,琼海,万宁,东方,五指山,台湾省,台北市,新北市,台中市,台南市,高雄市,桃园市,基隆市,新竹市,嘉义市竹北市,苗栗市,彰化市,南投市,斗六市,太保市,朴子市,屏东市,宜兰市,花莲市,台东市,马公市,广西壮族自治区,南宁,桂林,柳州,梧州,贵港,玉林,钦州,北海,防城港,崇左,百色,河池,来宾,贺州,靖西,岑溪,桂平,北流,东兴,凭祥,荔浦,合山,内蒙古自治区,呼和浩特,包头,乌海,赤峰,呼伦贝尔,通辽,乌兰察布,鄂尔多斯,巴彦淖尔,满洲里,扎兰屯,牙克石,根河,额尔古纳,乌兰浩特,阿尔山,霍林郭勒,锡林浩特,二连浩特,丰镇,宁夏回族自治区,银川,石嘴山,吴忠,中卫,固原,灵武,青铜峡,西藏自治区,拉萨,日喀则,昌都,林芝,山南,新疆维吾尔自治区,乌鲁木齐,克拉玛依,吐鲁番,哈密,石河子(八师),五家渠(六师),阿拉尔(一师),图木舒克(三师),北屯(十师),铁门关(二师),双河(五师),可克达拉(四师),昆玉(十四师),喀什,阿克苏,和田,阿图什,博乐,昌吉,阜康,库尔勒,伊宁,奎屯,塔城,乌苏,阿勒泰,阿拉山口,霍尔果斯,特别行政区,香港特别行政区,澳门特别行政区