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Instructions for entry

1、 Entry criteria
1. Enterprise legal persons legally registered within the territory of the people's Republic of China or shareholders confirmed in writing by enterprise legal persons;
2. The commodities applied for replacement by the settled enterprises have legal sources and complete qualifications;
3. It has good corporate reputation and business history, and there are no major pending legal proceedings.
4. Have sound organizational structure, financial management system and perfect business transaction management system;

5. Have fixed business premises of a certain scale and necessary office and production equipment and facilities.

2、 Entry process
1. Merchant registration
①   register the member account number of the mass barter platform;
②   enter the member center to verify the mobile phone and email;
③   enter the merchant entry interface and click Check in now;
④   confirm the barter Convention and the instructions for entry.
2. Material declaration
①   fill in company information, business license information, account opening bank information, store information and submit qualification;
②   select the store name and domain name;
③   read and confirm the online service agreement.
3. Approved
①   mass barter platform shall feed back the audit results within 7 working days;
②   during the audit, the merchant can view the audit progress;
③   view and accept the approval notification.
4. Store layout
①   merchants pay the good faith deposit online;
②   mass barter platform confirms that the payment is successful;
③   store opening;
④   merchants log in to the backstage for store layout.
5 store operation
①   communicate and understand products or services;
②   negotiation and confirmation of specific details;
③   according to the negotiation results, both parties shall place an order or sign a barter contract after confirmation;

④   both parties shall complete the acceptance and delivery of the products, and complete the acceptance and delivery of the products.

3、 Instructions for entry
1. The settled enterprise shall bear all legal liabilities for the authenticity, legality, accuracy and effectiveness of the submitted supporting documents or other corresponding certificates. If Party B submits false or expired documents or fails to update or notify the supporting documents in time, resulting in disputes or punishment by relevant state authorities, Party B shall independently bear all legal liabilities. If the loss of the public barter platform is caused, the settled enterprise shall compensate;
2. The settled enterprises shall ensure that in the process of trading using the public barter platform, they will abide by the principle of good faith, avoid fraud, false publicity, confusion and other unfair competition, disrupt the normal order of online barter, and do not engage in acts unrelated to online barter;
3. The settled enterprises clearly express and interpret the meaning of the relevant rules of the public barter platform, and voluntarily guarantee to strictly follow the relevant rules;
4. The settled enterprise shall pay the annual membership fee or barter Commission in full and on time in accordance with the regulations;
5. Mass barter platform has the right to supplement, adjust and finally interpret the rules of the platform.

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