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Common problem

1. I am a self-employed industrial and commercial household. Can I apply to settle in Flowserve barter platform?
Flowserve barter is now open to large enterprises and companies all over the world to support the application of individual industrial and commercial households or individuals.
2. What is mass ?
Mass currency refers to the pricing tool used in the barter of Commodity services in the Flowserve barter platform system. It is used for commodity valuation. Masspay can implement the real-time pricing of commodities by currencies around the world according to the market exchange rate, and carry out commodity payment transactions on this network platform. Mass is only used in circles in the Flowserve barter platform. A certain amount indicates that the holder has the right to purchase goods or services equivalent to mass in this barter system. Mass is based on physical goods, services and enterprise credit, with RMB as the unit of measurement (i.e. 1mass = 1 yuan).
3. What is the quality of the goods on Flowserve barter platform?
Flowserve barter platform strictly controls the qualification of settled enterprises. The products on the platform are manufacturers or authorized dealers. The product platforms on the platform will be sampled and tested from time to time, with reliable quality, including ISO CE and other quality certification. All goods and services provided by legal and compliant enterprises are of reliable quality.
4. When bartering, will the other party raise the barter price?
No matter what kind of transaction, the principle of equality and mutual benefit shall be followed. Flowserve barter platform will audit the commodity information on the platform, and provide a scoring mechanism for merchants who maliciously raise commodity prices; There are many similar commodities on Flowserve barter platform. It is recommended to make more comparisons during barter.
5. When our goods have not been easily sold out, we can easily enter the goods of other enterprises by paying mass currency. If the other party quits, won't it make money?
Flowserve barter platform is committed to creating a barter environment of "equality, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation". We have stipulated the withdrawal of cash of settled enterprises through rules. Users do not need to worry about the other party's withdrawal from the trading process after making profits. As long as your company's goods are still displayed, there is the possibility of being bartered at any time to make up for the balance deficit caused by your active barter.
6. Why can't you contact Flowserve barter customer service?
During normal working days, there are occasional problems that the customer service cannot be contacted due to the large amount of work information. If you are in a hurry, you can call the customer service hotline for consultation or wait for the reply of online customer service. We will reply as soon as we see the information.
7. My order has been delivered, but why can't I find the logistics information?
Generally speaking, you can check the logistics information the day after receiving the delivery notice from the easy delivery party. If you can't find the logistics information, please contact the merchant's online customer service in time to help you check and solve it.
8. What if the package is damaged when signing for the goods?
If you find that the package is damaged when signing, you can directly refuse to sign. If there is a problem with the goods after signing, you can contact the merchant's customer service and professional after-sales personnel will help you solve it.
9..  How to cancel an order?
Find my order → find the order location → cancel the order in the upper right corner; Only for orders in undelivered status. If the order status has entered the distribution link, it is not guaranteed that the order can be cancelled successfully. Please sign for it when delivering to the door. Thank you for your cooperation.
10. How to apply for return?
We can refer to the Flowserve barter process. If the barter has started, we can wait patiently. We will audit the response problems within 3 ~ 7 working days and deal with them through negotiation between the two sides of the barter
11. You can barter by yourself. Why join Flowserve barter?
Barter mode has existed in the market for a long time. The regional restrictions of individual barter categories are relatively large, and it is difficult to sell barter goods; The advantage of choosing Flowserve barter is that it has a large platform area (involving multinational trade transactions). After barter, it has a greater competitive advantage than domestic goods, so it is easier to sell and make profits. Choosing Flowserve barter is no longer difficult for unsalable goods.
For other outstanding questions, please click online consultation or call Flowserve barter customer service center

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直辖市,北京市,上海市,天津市,重庆市,省,安徽省,地级市,合肥,宿州,淮北,阜阳,蚌埠,淮南,滁州,马鞍山,芜湖,铜陵,安庆,黄山,六安,池州,宣城,亳州,县级市,界首,明光,天长,桐城,宁国,巢湖,福建省,福州,厦门,南平,三明,莆田,泉州,漳州,龙岩,宁德,福清,邵武,武夷山,建瓯,永安,石狮,晋江,南安,龙海,漳平,福安,福鼎,甘肃省,兰州,天水,嘉峪关,金昌,白银,酒泉,张掖,武威,庆阳,平凉,定西,陇南,玉门,敦煌,临夏,合作,广东省,广州,深圳,清远,韶关,河源,梅州,潮州,汕头,揭阳,汕尾,惠州,东莞,珠海,中山,江门,佛山,肇庆,云浮,阳江,茂名,湛江,英德,连州,乐昌,南雄,兴宁,普宁,陆丰,恩平,台山,开平,鹤山,四会,罗定,阳春,化州,信宜,高州,吴川,廉江,雷州,贵州省,贵阳,六盘水,遵义,安顺,毕节,铜仁,清镇,赤水,仁怀,凯里,都匀,兴义,福泉,盘州,河北省,石家庄,邯郸,唐山,保定,秦皇岛,邢台,张家口,承德,沧州,廊坊,衡水,定州,辛集,藁城,晋州,新乐,鹿泉,遵化,迁安,霸州,三河,涿州,安国,高碑店,泊头,任丘,黄骅,河间,冀州,深州,南宫,沙河,武安,湖北省,武汉,十堰,襄阳,荆门,孝感,黄冈,鄂州,黄石,咸宁,荆州,宜昌,随州,省直辖县级市,仙桃,天门,潜江,丹江口,老河口,枣阳,宜城,钟祥,汉川,应城,安陆,广水,麻城,武穴,大冶,赤壁,石首,洪湖,松滋,宜都,枝江,当阳,恩施,利川,湖南省,长沙,衡阳,张家界,常德,益阳,岳阳,株洲,湘潭,郴州,永州,邵阳,怀化,娄底,耒阳,常宁,浏阳,津市,沅江,汨罗,临湘,醴陵,湘乡,韶山,资兴,武冈,洪江,冷水江,涟源,吉首,宁乡,吉林省,长春,吉林市,白城,松原,四平,辽源,通化,白山,德惠,榆树,磐石,蛟河,桦甸,舒兰,洮南,大安,双辽,公主岭,梅河口,集安,临江,延吉,图们,敦化,珲春,龙井,和龙,扶余,江西省,南昌,九江,赣州,景德镇,鹰潭,新余,萍乡,上饶,抚州,宜春,吉安,庐山,瑞昌,乐平,瑞金,德兴,丰城,樟树,高安,井冈山,贵溪,共青城,江苏省,南京,徐州,连云港,宿迁,淮安,盐城,扬州,泰州,南通,镇江,常州,无锡,苏州,江阴,宜兴,邳州,新沂,金坛,溧阳,常熟,张家港,太仓,昆山,如皋,海门,启东,东台,高邮,仪征,扬中,句容,丹阳,兴化,泰兴,靖江,辽宁省,沈阳,大连,朝阳,阜新,铁岭,抚顺,本溪,辽阳,鞍山,丹东,营口,盘锦,锦州,葫芦岛,新民,瓦房店,普兰店,庄河,北票,凌源,调兵山,开原,灯塔,海城,凤城,东港,大石桥,盖州,凌海,北镇,兴城,山东省,济南,青岛,聊城,德州,东营,淄博,潍坊,烟台,威海,日照,临沂,枣庄,济宁,泰安,莱芜,滨州,菏泽,即墨,平度,胶州,莱西,临清,乐陵,禹城,安丘,昌邑,高密,青州,诸城,寿光,栖霞,海阳,龙口,莱阳,莱州,蓬莱,招远,荣成,乳山,滕州,曲阜,邹城,新泰,肥城,黑龙江省,哈尔滨,齐齐哈尔,牡丹江,佳木斯,七台河,大庆,黑河,伊春,鹤岗,双鸭山,鸡西,绥化,双鸭山,绥芬河,抚远,尚志,五常,讷河,北安,五大连池,铁力,同江,富锦,虎林,海林,密山,宁安,安达,肇东,海伦,穆棱,河南省,郑州,开封,洛阳,平顶山,安阳,鹤壁,新乡,焦作,濮阳,许昌,漯河,三门峡,南阳,商丘,周口,驻马店,信阳,济源,巩义,邓州,永城,汝州 [5] ,荥阳,新郑,登封,新密,偃师,舞钢,孟州,沁阳,卫辉,辉县,林州,禹州,长葛,义马,灵宝,项城,陕西省,西安,宝鸡,延安,铜川,渭南,咸阳,汉中,榆林,商洛,安康,韩城,华阴,兴平山西省,太原,大同,朔州,阳泉,长治,晋城,忻州,吕梁,晋中,临汾,运城,古交,潞城,高平,原平,孝义,汾阳,介休,侯马,霍州,永济,河津,四川省,成都,广元,绵阳,德阳,南充,广安,遂宁,内江,乐山,自贡,泸州,宜宾,攀枝花,巴中,达州,资阳,眉山,雅安,崇州,邛崃,都江堰,彭州,江油,什邡,广汉,绵竹,阆中,华蓥,峨眉山,万源,简阳,西昌,康定,云南省,昆明,曲靖,玉溪,丽江,昭通,普洱,临沧,保山,安宁,宣威,弥勒,芒市,瑞丽,大理,楚雄,蒙自,个旧,开远,文山,香格里拉,景洪, 腾冲,浙江省,杭州,宁波,湖州,嘉兴,舟山,绍兴,衢州,金华,台州,温州,丽水,建德,慈溪,余姚,奉化,平湖,海宁,桐乡,诸暨,嵊州,江山,兰溪,永康,义乌,东阳,临海,温岭,瑞安,乐清,龙泉,青海省,西宁,海东,格尔木,德令哈,玉树,海南省,海口,三亚,三沙,儋州,文昌,琼海,万宁,东方,五指山,台湾省,台北市,新北市,台中市,台南市,高雄市,桃园市,基隆市,新竹市,嘉义市竹北市,苗栗市,彰化市,南投市,斗六市,太保市,朴子市,屏东市,宜兰市,花莲市,台东市,马公市,广西壮族自治区,南宁,桂林,柳州,梧州,贵港,玉林,钦州,北海,防城港,崇左,百色,河池,来宾,贺州,靖西,岑溪,桂平,北流,东兴,凭祥,荔浦,合山,内蒙古自治区,呼和浩特,包头,乌海,赤峰,呼伦贝尔,通辽,乌兰察布,鄂尔多斯,巴彦淖尔,满洲里,扎兰屯,牙克石,根河,额尔古纳,乌兰浩特,阿尔山,霍林郭勒,锡林浩特,二连浩特,丰镇,宁夏回族自治区,银川,石嘴山,吴忠,中卫,固原,灵武,青铜峡,西藏自治区,拉萨,日喀则,昌都,林芝,山南,新疆维吾尔自治区,乌鲁木齐,克拉玛依,吐鲁番,哈密,石河子(八师),五家渠(六师),阿拉尔(一师),图木舒克(三师),北屯(十师),铁门关(二师),双河(五师),可克达拉(四师),昆玉(十四师),喀什,阿克苏,和田,阿图什,博乐,昌吉,阜康,库尔勒,伊宁,奎屯,塔城,乌苏,阿勒泰,阿拉山口,霍尔果斯,特别行政区,香港特别行政区,澳门特别行政区