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Super customer

Definition of Major Clients: Major clients are typically characterized by their substantial transaction volumes, which may manifest in large-scale trades of commodities, high-value financial transactions, or transactions involving territorial rights such as maritime, land, and other substantial deals. Major clients often have complex and personalized requirements, including specific service demands, customized trading conditions, or other individualized services. Moreover, they are more likely to engage in long-term strategic partnerships, involving in-depth collaboration and mutual development, to collectively address market challenges and opportunities.

Definition of Special Channels: Special channels for major clients refer to dedicated service pathways established by platforms to cater to the specific needs of clients with substantial transaction volumes, exerting significant influence on the platform. These channels aim to address unique requirements that major clients may face during transactions, encompassing, but not limited to, large-scale barter transactions, significant debt resolution needs, and ambiguous regulatory scenarios.


One-to-Many Barter Trading Services:


Tailored for the substantial transaction volume of major clients, the platform provides one-to-many barter trading services.

The platform coordinates multiple participants to ensure the smooth circulation of bulk commodities or services.


Debt Resolution Mechanism Design:


Specifically addressing the substantial debt resolution needs of major clients, the platform establishes a dedicated debt resolution mechanism.

This includes intervention and coordination of debt resolution plans and providing guarantee services to ensure proper resolution.


Regulatory Compliance Support:


Addressing situations where regulations are unclear or involve regulatory risks, the platform provides professional legal support.

This encompasses clarifying legal queries and developing compliance solutions to ensure the legality and compliance of major client transactions.


Dedicated Service Team:


The special channel for major clients includes a dedicated service team responsible for in-depth communication to understand their unique needs.

This ensures major clients receive efficient and professional support.


Priority Handling Mechanism:


Major clients enjoy priority handling within the special channel, encompassing swift responses to transaction matters and timely issue resolutions.

This guarantees a smoother transaction process for major clients.


Customized Service Agreements:


The special channel establishes customized service agreements, outlining service details, fees, cooperation periods, and other crucial elements.

This safeguards the interests of both major clients and the platform.

Steps in the Major Client Special Channel Process:

1. Demand Submission and Initial Assessment Stage:

Major clients submit special channel requirements, detailing transaction volume, debt resolution needs, regulatory ambiguities, and other critical information.

The platform's professional team conducts an initial assessment to determine eligibility for the special channel and identify required special services and support.

2. Solution Customization and Coordination Stage:

The platform team engages in in-depth communication with major clients to understand specific 

transaction requirements and the platform's service capabilities.

Based on major client needs, a customized special channel service plan is developed, including coordination of barter trading, debt resolution design, regulatory compliance support, and more.

Negotiations establish clear terms for fees and service agreements to ensure the protection of all parties' interests.

3. Execution and Monitoring Stage:

Major clients utilize the special channel for barter trading, and the platform provides one-to-many coordination services to ensure smooth transactions.

In debt resolution, the platform intervenes to provide guarantee services and coordinate parties toward equitable and compliant debt resolution.

In situations of regulatory ambiguity, the platform offers legal support to ensure the legality and compliance of transactions.

A dedicated monitoring mechanism is established to real-time monitor the special channel's transaction processes, ensuring transparency and traceability.

4. Issue Resolution and Post-Service Stage:

For any issues arising during transactions, the platform activates a rapid response mechanism to provide timely solutions.

Post-service, the platform assists major clients in completing settlement, record-keeping, reporting, and other necessary procedures.

Periodic reviews and improvements are conducted on the special channel service to ensure efficiency and adaptability.

5. Risk Prevention and Compliance Audit Stage:

The platform implements a risk prevention mechanism to monitor potential risks in major client special channel transactions, taking proactive measures to mitigate risks.

Regular audits are conducted to ensure the compliance of the major client special channel with relevant laws and policies.

6. Communication and Coordination Mechanism:

The platform establishes dedicated communication channels to ensure seamless information flow between the platform and major clients.

Regular communication meetings are held to gather feedback, promptly address issues, and enhance service quality.

Through this comprehensive process framework, the major client special channel provides all-encompassing and professional support. This ensures the safe and efficient completion of transactions in one-to-many barter trading and, when necessary, facilitates timely platform intervention to support major clients in unique scenarios, guaranteeing the smooth progress of transactions and safeguarding the interests of all parties involved.

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