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What are the advantages of barter today

Mall News 发布于:2021-09-10

The barter has set off a boom at home and abroad, from national barter to the barter trade of enterprises. The barter has gradually become a new trend. Why is barter so popular?
The barter can handle idle items.
Nowadays, every store has a large number of idle items (according to statistics: in China, an average person has 2,300 yuan of idle supplies, and 60 billion yuan worth of clothes in women's wardrobes alone), not to mention enterprise factories. Inventory or idle supplies are not used at ordinary times. It's a pity to lose them. Selling waste products is worthless and reluctant, because they can still be used. Then exchange it for others through barter. As the old saying goes, "old things are as precious as treasures", so that the goods can give full play to its greater value, which is the embodiment of the value of barter.
You can get what you want without spending money.
Barter can get what he wants without cash. Business owners can use the idle space of the enterprise or home (such as furniture, electrical appliances, drinks and even villas) in exchange for a certain barter limit, and then in exchange for the goods or services they want (beauty clubs, fitness clubs, health clubs, catering hotels and advertisements). And other service items).

Expand the interpersonal circle
The development of the Internet has reduced communication between people. Internet occupies most of the study, work break time, and over time, and the network circle is getting smaller and smaller. Barter is a special trading method, which will gather a large group of business owners involved in barter. At the same time, Rongyitong will hold salons and other activities from time to time, which provides more communication opportunities for the majority of business owners. More importantly, it broadens the circle of contacts, and the business will become more and more prosperous.

Barter value-added
Barter is the oldest business behavior, which is the basis for the development of commodity trading. Barter is doing business and can be invested and value-added. A striking feature of barter is that you can get what you want without spending cash. For example, McDonald, a young man in the United States, has turned hands 16 times with a red pin; and finally got the right to use a villa for a year, with a value increase of tens of thousands of times.

Volkswagen barter platform, the innovation of a business model, the combination of online and offline, the east wind of "destocking", the free ride of "sharing economy" and the in-depth combination, can not only revitalize inventory for enterprises and solve overcapacity, but also create a new round of wealth business opportunities. The Volkswagen barter platform is willing to serve as a bridge between enterprises for "resource integration, mutual benefit and reciprocity" and make new contributions to the implementation of the central destocking task and the Belt and Road Strategy.

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