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Tariff standard

Guide to Business 发布于:2017-06-26

Tariff list of various categories of open platform in 2022

Primary classification Secondary classification Three level classification rate Platform usage fee bond
SOP FBP Unit - RMB / month Unit yuan
Clothing underwear Men's / women's / underwear 8% 7% 1000 30,000
Clothing accessories Other tertiary categories 8% 7%
Mask 6% 6%
Shoes and boots 8% 7% 1000 30,000
Jewelry Gold / platinum / K gold jewelry 3% 8%(contain5%excise tax) 1000 50,000
Gold and silver investment Investment Fund / gold custody 1% 1%
Other tertiary categories 5% 5%
Silver ornaments Silver Pendant / Necklace / Silver Ring / Silver Earrings 10% 9% 30,000
Silver Bracelet / Bracelet / Anklet  8% 7%
Baby Silver 5% 5%
Jadeite jade 9% 8% 50,000
Diamonds Bare drill 5% 5%
Other tertiary categories 8% 7%
Crystal agate / fashion accessories 10% 9% 30,000
Wooden string / handle/Caibao / Pearl 8% 7%
Gift bags luxury goods Accessories / accessories 7% 6% 1000 30,000
Other tertiary categories 7% 6% 50,000
Trendy women's bag / boutique men's bag / functional bag 10% 9% 30,000
gift Lighter cigarette set / saber military set 10% 10%
Flowers and plants / gift box / gift certificate / plants 5% 5%
collection 1% 1% 50,000
Gift customization 3% 3% 30,000
Other tertiary categories 8% 8%
clocks and watches clocks and watches Swiss watch / German Watch 4% 4% 1000 100,000
Chinese Watch 8% 8% 100,000
Japanese and Korean watch / European and American Watch    6% 6% 100,000
Alarm clock / children's watch / clock accessories 8% 8% 30,000
Intelligent Watch 8% 8% 60,000
Outdoor sports Sneaker bag / sportswear 5% 5% 1000 30,000
Outdoor shoes and clothing / outdoor equipment 5% 5%
Swimming supplies / fishing supplies / cycling 5% 5%
Fitness training / sporting goods 8% 6%
Home decoration Home textiles Pillow cushion / towel bath towel / pillow core 6% 5% 1000 30,000
Other tertiary categories 8% 7%
Daily life / home decoration soft decoration 8% 7%
Kitchenware 8% 7% 1000 30,000
furniture Children's furniture 8% 7% 1000 50,000
Bedroom furniture / living room furniture / dining room furniture / study furniture / storage furniture / balcony / outdoor / office furniture 8% 7% 1000 30000(Mahogany furniture100000)
Home decoration building materials Lighting / hardware tools / electrical materials 8% 7% 1000 30,000
Kitchen bathroom cupboard 6% /
Other tertiary categories 8% 7%
Wall and floor materials Wallpaper / painting accessories / adhesives 6% 5%
Paint / paint / ceramic tile / floor 6% /
Wood / plate / pipe fittings 8% 7%
Decorative materials radiator 6% / 50,000
Gardening leisure 8% 7% 30,000
Other tertiary categories 6% /
Decoration services Decoration construction 3% / 100,000
Installation services 0.01% / 30,000
Other tertiary categories 3% /
Automobile Maintenance Engine oil / tire / diesel engine oil / auxiliary oil 3% 3% 1000 50,000
Battery 5% 3%
Automotive glass 2% 2%
Film 6% 4%
Spark plug / wiper / lamp 5% 4%
Chassis armor / shield 6% 5%
Modified accessories 7% 5%
Additive / antifreeze 8% 6%
Auto repair tools 6% 6%
Other tertiary categories 5% 5%
Vehicle electrical appliances Intelligent vehicle machine 5% 5%
Other tertiary categories 8% 7%
Beauty cleaning / car decoration 7% 7%
Safe self driving Safety seat 5% 5%
Other tertiary categories 6% 6%
Car service automobile insurance 2% 2%
Cleaning and beauty / function upgrading / maintenance / driving training 3% 3%
ETC 2% 2%
Fuel card recharge / fuel card / training partner 0.5% 0.5%
Event modification motorcycle 3% 3% 1000 50,000
Motorcycle equipment 6.0% 6.0%
Other tertiary categories 5.0% 2.0%
Medical care contact lenses 6.0% / 1000 50,000
Nutritional health / nutrients / traditional nourishing 7% 7%
adult erotica products 8% 8%
Health equipment / nursing protectors 6%
(Among them, medical services such as physical examination, beauty, psychological counseling, gene testing, traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy and so on 4%)
Mother and baby Children's clothes and shoes 8% 8% 1000 30,000
Sleeping clothes Household bedding / safety protection / sleeping bag / quilt 8% 8%
Other tertiary categories 5% 5%
Mom zone Nutrition during pregnancy 4% 4% 100,000
Maternal skin care / mommy bag / Baby belt / postpartum body shaping 4% 4% 30,000
Expectant care 3% 3%
Anti overflow milk pad 3% 3%
Maternity / bra / underwear / Maternity 5% 5%
Radiation-proof clothes 8% 8%
Milk powder / nutritional supplement 3% 3% 100,000
Diaper wipes 2% 2% 50,000
Stroller crib Baby mattress 8% 8%
Other tertiary categories 5% 5%
Safety seat 3% 3%
Feeding supplies / toiletries 5% 5%
Toy musical instrument DIYToys / creative decompression 5% 5% 1000 30,000
Remote control / electric / fitness toys / animation toys / educational toys / building block splicing 5% 3%
Musical Instruments 3% 3%
Beauty care Facial skin care 6% 4% 1000 Rt rademark50000/TM trademark 100000
Perfume makeup Beauty Tools 4% 4%
Other tertiary categories 6% 4%
Oral care / female care / shampoo and hair care 6% 6% 50,000
Body care essential oil 4% 4% R trademark 50000/TM trademark 100000
Other tertiary categories 6% 4%
cleaning products Household / clothing cleaning / paper wipes 3% 2% 30,000
Other tertiary categories 8% 7%
Food and beverage Food gift certificate / local specialty / tea / imported food 5% 5% 1000 50,000
Beverage preparation drinking water 3% 3%
Other tertiary categories 5% 5%
Snacks Fried nuts / biscuit cake 4% 4%
Other tertiary categories 5% 5%
Grain and oil seasoning Rice flour grains / edible oil 3% 3%
Other tertiary categories 5% 5%
fresh 3% 3% 1000 50,000

直辖市,北京市,上海市,天津市,重庆市,省,安徽省,地级市,合肥,宿州,淮北,阜阳,蚌埠,淮南,滁州,马鞍山,芜湖,铜陵,安庆,黄山,六安,池州,宣城,亳州,县级市,界首,明光,天长,桐城,宁国,巢湖,福建省,福州,厦门,南平,三明,莆田,泉州,漳州,龙岩,宁德,福清,邵武,武夷山,建瓯,永安,石狮,晋江,南安,龙海,漳平,福安,福鼎,甘肃省,兰州,天水,嘉峪关,金昌,白银,酒泉,张掖,武威,庆阳,平凉,定西,陇南,玉门,敦煌,临夏,合作,广东省,广州,深圳,清远,韶关,河源,梅州,潮州,汕头,揭阳,汕尾,惠州,东莞,珠海,中山,江门,佛山,肇庆,云浮,阳江,茂名,湛江,英德,连州,乐昌,南雄,兴宁,普宁,陆丰,恩平,台山,开平,鹤山,四会,罗定,阳春,化州,信宜,高州,吴川,廉江,雷州,贵州省,贵阳,六盘水,遵义,安顺,毕节,铜仁,清镇,赤水,仁怀,凯里,都匀,兴义,福泉,盘州,河北省,石家庄,邯郸,唐山,保定,秦皇岛,邢台,张家口,承德,沧州,廊坊,衡水,定州,辛集,藁城,晋州,新乐,鹿泉,遵化,迁安,霸州,三河,涿州,安国,高碑店,泊头,任丘,黄骅,河间,冀州,深州,南宫,沙河,武安,湖北省,武汉,十堰,襄阳,荆门,孝感,黄冈,鄂州,黄石,咸宁,荆州,宜昌,随州,省直辖县级市,仙桃,天门,潜江,丹江口,老河口,枣阳,宜城,钟祥,汉川,应城,安陆,广水,麻城,武穴,大冶,赤壁,石首,洪湖,松滋,宜都,枝江,当阳,恩施,利川,湖南省,长沙,衡阳,张家界,常德,益阳,岳阳,株洲,湘潭,郴州,永州,邵阳,怀化,娄底,耒阳,常宁,浏阳,津市,沅江,汨罗,临湘,醴陵,湘乡,韶山,资兴,武冈,洪江,冷水江,涟源,吉首,宁乡,吉林省,长春,吉林市,白城,松原,四平,辽源,通化,白山,德惠,榆树,磐石,蛟河,桦甸,舒兰,洮南,大安,双辽,公主岭,梅河口,集安,临江,延吉,图们,敦化,珲春,龙井,和龙,扶余,江西省,南昌,九江,赣州,景德镇,鹰潭,新余,萍乡,上饶,抚州,宜春,吉安,庐山,瑞昌,乐平,瑞金,德兴,丰城,樟树,高安,井冈山,贵溪,共青城,江苏省,南京,徐州,连云港,宿迁,淮安,盐城,扬州,泰州,南通,镇江,常州,无锡,苏州,江阴,宜兴,邳州,新沂,金坛,溧阳,常熟,张家港,太仓,昆山,如皋,海门,启东,东台,高邮,仪征,扬中,句容,丹阳,兴化,泰兴,靖江,辽宁省,沈阳,大连,朝阳,阜新,铁岭,抚顺,本溪,辽阳,鞍山,丹东,营口,盘锦,锦州,葫芦岛,新民,瓦房店,普兰店,庄河,北票,凌源,调兵山,开原,灯塔,海城,凤城,东港,大石桥,盖州,凌海,北镇,兴城,山东省,济南,青岛,聊城,德州,东营,淄博,潍坊,烟台,威海,日照,临沂,枣庄,济宁,泰安,莱芜,滨州,菏泽,即墨,平度,胶州,莱西,临清,乐陵,禹城,安丘,昌邑,高密,青州,诸城,寿光,栖霞,海阳,龙口,莱阳,莱州,蓬莱,招远,荣成,乳山,滕州,曲阜,邹城,新泰,肥城,黑龙江省,哈尔滨,齐齐哈尔,牡丹江,佳木斯,七台河,大庆,黑河,伊春,鹤岗,双鸭山,鸡西,绥化,双鸭山,绥芬河,抚远,尚志,五常,讷河,北安,五大连池,铁力,同江,富锦,虎林,海林,密山,宁安,安达,肇东,海伦,穆棱,河南省,郑州,开封,洛阳,平顶山,安阳,鹤壁,新乡,焦作,濮阳,许昌,漯河,三门峡,南阳,商丘,周口,驻马店,信阳,济源,巩义,邓州,永城,汝州 [5] ,荥阳,新郑,登封,新密,偃师,舞钢,孟州,沁阳,卫辉,辉县,林州,禹州,长葛,义马,灵宝,项城,陕西省,西安,宝鸡,延安,铜川,渭南,咸阳,汉中,榆林,商洛,安康,韩城,华阴,兴平山西省,太原,大同,朔州,阳泉,长治,晋城,忻州,吕梁,晋中,临汾,运城,古交,潞城,高平,原平,孝义,汾阳,介休,侯马,霍州,永济,河津,四川省,成都,广元,绵阳,德阳,南充,广安,遂宁,内江,乐山,自贡,泸州,宜宾,攀枝花,巴中,达州,资阳,眉山,雅安,崇州,邛崃,都江堰,彭州,江油,什邡,广汉,绵竹,阆中,华蓥,峨眉山,万源,简阳,西昌,康定,云南省,昆明,曲靖,玉溪,丽江,昭通,普洱,临沧,保山,安宁,宣威,弥勒,芒市,瑞丽,大理,楚雄,蒙自,个旧,开远,文山,香格里拉,景洪, 腾冲,浙江省,杭州,宁波,湖州,嘉兴,舟山,绍兴,衢州,金华,台州,温州,丽水,建德,慈溪,余姚,奉化,平湖,海宁,桐乡,诸暨,嵊州,江山,兰溪,永康,义乌,东阳,临海,温岭,瑞安,乐清,龙泉,青海省,西宁,海东,格尔木,德令哈,玉树,海南省,海口,三亚,三沙,儋州,文昌,琼海,万宁,东方,五指山,台湾省,台北市,新北市,台中市,台南市,高雄市,桃园市,基隆市,新竹市,嘉义市竹北市,苗栗市,彰化市,南投市,斗六市,太保市,朴子市,屏东市,宜兰市,花莲市,台东市,马公市,广西壮族自治区,南宁,桂林,柳州,梧州,贵港,玉林,钦州,北海,防城港,崇左,百色,河池,来宾,贺州,靖西,岑溪,桂平,北流,东兴,凭祥,荔浦,合山,内蒙古自治区,呼和浩特,包头,乌海,赤峰,呼伦贝尔,通辽,乌兰察布,鄂尔多斯,巴彦淖尔,满洲里,扎兰屯,牙克石,根河,额尔古纳,乌兰浩特,阿尔山,霍林郭勒,锡林浩特,二连浩特,丰镇,宁夏回族自治区,银川,石嘴山,吴忠,中卫,固原,灵武,青铜峡,西藏自治区,拉萨,日喀则,昌都,林芝,山南,新疆维吾尔自治区,乌鲁木齐,克拉玛依,吐鲁番,哈密,石河子(八师),五家渠(六师),阿拉尔(一师),图木舒克(三师),北屯(十师),铁门关(二师),双河(五师),可克达拉(四师),昆玉(十四师),喀什,阿克苏,和田,阿图什,博乐,昌吉,阜康,库尔勒,伊宁,奎屯,塔城,乌苏,阿勒泰,阿拉山口,霍尔果斯,特别行政区,香港特别行政区,澳门特别行政区