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Investment criteria

Guide to Business 发布于:2017-06-26

Chapter I Focus on Investment Promotion of Mass Barter Platform in 2022

1.1 Brand

International and domestic famous brands

The Mass barter platform will, as always, maximize the seller's brand interests, respect the brand tradition and connotation, and welcome the entry of flagship stores of international and domestic high-quality brands.

1.2 Commodity

It can meet the quality and distinctive commodities of the mass barter user group.

Commodity allocation according to category structure. See the List of Categories of Popular Barter Platforms in 2022 for the category planning.

1.3 Vertical E-commerce

The Mass barter platform welcomes vertical e-commerce. VW barter platform is willing to share its high-quality user groups with professional vertical e-commerce enterprises, and welcomes vertical e-commerce to provide professional and high-quality goods and services in this field for VW barter users.

Chapter II Scope of Application

This standard is applicable to all sellers of the mass barter platform except for life tourism business (including but not limited to tourism, hotels, ticketing, recharge, lottery).

Chapter III Instructions

3.1 VW barter platform has not authorized any institution to provide agency investment services, the application process and

The relevant charging instructions are subject to the official investment promotion page of the Mass Barter platform.

3.2 The Mass barter platform has the right to return the seller's application for settlement according to other factors, including but not limited to brand demand, the company's business status, service level and so on.

3.3 The Mass barter platform has the right to require the seller to provide other qualifications during the application and subsequent business stages.

3.4 The VW barter platform will update the investment promotion standards from time to time in combination with the development trends of various industries, relevant national regulations and consumer purchase needs.

3.5 The Seller must truthfully provide data and information:

3.5.1 Please ensure the authenticity, integrity and validity of the relevant qualifications and information provided in the application for settlement and subsequent business stages (if the relevant qualifications provided by the seller are provided by a third-party manufacturer, including but not limited to the trademark registration certificate and power of attorney, please first verify the authenticity, validity and integrity of the documents). Once false qualifications or information are found, The Mass barter platform will no longer cooperate with the seller and has the right to deal with it according to the rules of the Mass barter platform and the relevant agreements signed with the seller;

3.5.2 The seller shall truthfully provide the main body of its store operation and relevant information, including but not limited to the actual operating body of the store, the agency operating company and other information;

3.5.3 If the Mass barter platform has relevant provisions on the change of the seller's information and data, its provisions shall prevail. However, if the seller changes the information listed in 3.5.2, it shall notify Mass barter in writing 10 days in advance; If the public is not informed of barter in advance, the public barter will be handled according to the rules of the public barter platform.

3.6 The VW barter platform does not accept the application for the settlement of self-employed businesses. The seller must be an officially registered enterprise, and does not accept the application for the settlement of enterprises not registered in mainland China.

3.7 The VW barter platform will not accept the application for the entry of brands that have not obtained the trademark registration certificate or trademark acceptance notice issued by the State Trademark Administration, nor will it accept the application for the entry of pure graphic trademarks. If the seller provides the trademark acceptance notice (TM status trademark), the registration application time must be six months.

Chapter IV Types of Popular Barter Stores and Relevant Requirements

4.1 Flagship store: the seller enters the stores opened on the VW barter platform with his own brand (the trademark is R or TM status), or the exclusive authorization document issued by the obligee to open a brand flagship store on the VW barter platform (the authorization document should specify the exclusivity and irreversibility).

4.1.1 Flagship stores can have the following situations:

A brand flagship store that operates a private brand commodity (private brand means that the trademark right belongs to the seller) or a brand flagship store that has an exclusive authorization document issued by the obligee to open a brand flagship store on the VW barter platform (the authorization document should specify the exclusivity and irreversibility);

Brand flagship stores that operate multiple private brand goods and all brands belong to the same actual controller (private brand sub brands can be placed in the flagship stores, and the trademark owners of the main and sub brands should be the same actual controller);

Flagship store set up by the trademark owner of the store brand (service trademark);

4.1.2 The store opening subject must be the authorized enterprise issued by the brand (trademark) obligee or the holder of the exclusive authorization document for opening the flagship store of the public barter platform.

4.2 Franchise store, a store opened by the seller on the Mass barter platform with the authorization document of another brand (trademark is R or TM status).

4.2.1 Type of franchise store: a seller's franchise store that operates one or more licensed brands of goods (the trademark obligees of multiple licensed brands shall be the same actual controller) but has not obtained the exclusive authorization of the brand (trademark) obligee to enter the Mass barter platform;

4.2.2 The authorization document issued by the brand (trademark) obligee shall not have geographical restrictions.

4.3 Franchised stores are stores that operate two or more other people's or private brand (trademark is R or TM status) goods under the same category of the mass barter platform.

4.3.1 The franchise stores can have the following situations:

The seller's franchise stores that operate two or more other brands of goods under the same level of category to enter the mass barter platform;

Under the same level category, the seller's franchise stores that operate both other brand goods and own brand goods to enter the mass barter platform.

4.4 For detailed description of the naming of various types of stores, please refer to the Rules for Naming Sellers' Stores on the Popular Barter Platform.

Chapter V Qualification Criteria for Mass Barter Application

5.1 See the Detailed Rules for Investment Promotion Qualification Standards of the Public Barter Platform in 2022 for the qualification criteria for the application of the public barter platform.

直辖市,北京市,上海市,天津市,重庆市,省,安徽省,地级市,合肥,宿州,淮北,阜阳,蚌埠,淮南,滁州,马鞍山,芜湖,铜陵,安庆,黄山,六安,池州,宣城,亳州,县级市,界首,明光,天长,桐城,宁国,巢湖,福建省,福州,厦门,南平,三明,莆田,泉州,漳州,龙岩,宁德,福清,邵武,武夷山,建瓯,永安,石狮,晋江,南安,龙海,漳平,福安,福鼎,甘肃省,兰州,天水,嘉峪关,金昌,白银,酒泉,张掖,武威,庆阳,平凉,定西,陇南,玉门,敦煌,临夏,合作,广东省,广州,深圳,清远,韶关,河源,梅州,潮州,汕头,揭阳,汕尾,惠州,东莞,珠海,中山,江门,佛山,肇庆,云浮,阳江,茂名,湛江,英德,连州,乐昌,南雄,兴宁,普宁,陆丰,恩平,台山,开平,鹤山,四会,罗定,阳春,化州,信宜,高州,吴川,廉江,雷州,贵州省,贵阳,六盘水,遵义,安顺,毕节,铜仁,清镇,赤水,仁怀,凯里,都匀,兴义,福泉,盘州,河北省,石家庄,邯郸,唐山,保定,秦皇岛,邢台,张家口,承德,沧州,廊坊,衡水,定州,辛集,藁城,晋州,新乐,鹿泉,遵化,迁安,霸州,三河,涿州,安国,高碑店,泊头,任丘,黄骅,河间,冀州,深州,南宫,沙河,武安,湖北省,武汉,十堰,襄阳,荆门,孝感,黄冈,鄂州,黄石,咸宁,荆州,宜昌,随州,省直辖县级市,仙桃,天门,潜江,丹江口,老河口,枣阳,宜城,钟祥,汉川,应城,安陆,广水,麻城,武穴,大冶,赤壁,石首,洪湖,松滋,宜都,枝江,当阳,恩施,利川,湖南省,长沙,衡阳,张家界,常德,益阳,岳阳,株洲,湘潭,郴州,永州,邵阳,怀化,娄底,耒阳,常宁,浏阳,津市,沅江,汨罗,临湘,醴陵,湘乡,韶山,资兴,武冈,洪江,冷水江,涟源,吉首,宁乡,吉林省,长春,吉林市,白城,松原,四平,辽源,通化,白山,德惠,榆树,磐石,蛟河,桦甸,舒兰,洮南,大安,双辽,公主岭,梅河口,集安,临江,延吉,图们,敦化,珲春,龙井,和龙,扶余,江西省,南昌,九江,赣州,景德镇,鹰潭,新余,萍乡,上饶,抚州,宜春,吉安,庐山,瑞昌,乐平,瑞金,德兴,丰城,樟树,高安,井冈山,贵溪,共青城,江苏省,南京,徐州,连云港,宿迁,淮安,盐城,扬州,泰州,南通,镇江,常州,无锡,苏州,江阴,宜兴,邳州,新沂,金坛,溧阳,常熟,张家港,太仓,昆山,如皋,海门,启东,东台,高邮,仪征,扬中,句容,丹阳,兴化,泰兴,靖江,辽宁省,沈阳,大连,朝阳,阜新,铁岭,抚顺,本溪,辽阳,鞍山,丹东,营口,盘锦,锦州,葫芦岛,新民,瓦房店,普兰店,庄河,北票,凌源,调兵山,开原,灯塔,海城,凤城,东港,大石桥,盖州,凌海,北镇,兴城,山东省,济南,青岛,聊城,德州,东营,淄博,潍坊,烟台,威海,日照,临沂,枣庄,济宁,泰安,莱芜,滨州,菏泽,即墨,平度,胶州,莱西,临清,乐陵,禹城,安丘,昌邑,高密,青州,诸城,寿光,栖霞,海阳,龙口,莱阳,莱州,蓬莱,招远,荣成,乳山,滕州,曲阜,邹城,新泰,肥城,黑龙江省,哈尔滨,齐齐哈尔,牡丹江,佳木斯,七台河,大庆,黑河,伊春,鹤岗,双鸭山,鸡西,绥化,双鸭山,绥芬河,抚远,尚志,五常,讷河,北安,五大连池,铁力,同江,富锦,虎林,海林,密山,宁安,安达,肇东,海伦,穆棱,河南省,郑州,开封,洛阳,平顶山,安阳,鹤壁,新乡,焦作,濮阳,许昌,漯河,三门峡,南阳,商丘,周口,驻马店,信阳,济源,巩义,邓州,永城,汝州 [5] ,荥阳,新郑,登封,新密,偃师,舞钢,孟州,沁阳,卫辉,辉县,林州,禹州,长葛,义马,灵宝,项城,陕西省,西安,宝鸡,延安,铜川,渭南,咸阳,汉中,榆林,商洛,安康,韩城,华阴,兴平山西省,太原,大同,朔州,阳泉,长治,晋城,忻州,吕梁,晋中,临汾,运城,古交,潞城,高平,原平,孝义,汾阳,介休,侯马,霍州,永济,河津,四川省,成都,广元,绵阳,德阳,南充,广安,遂宁,内江,乐山,自贡,泸州,宜宾,攀枝花,巴中,达州,资阳,眉山,雅安,崇州,邛崃,都江堰,彭州,江油,什邡,广汉,绵竹,阆中,华蓥,峨眉山,万源,简阳,西昌,康定,云南省,昆明,曲靖,玉溪,丽江,昭通,普洱,临沧,保山,安宁,宣威,弥勒,芒市,瑞丽,大理,楚雄,蒙自,个旧,开远,文山,香格里拉,景洪, 腾冲,浙江省,杭州,宁波,湖州,嘉兴,舟山,绍兴,衢州,金华,台州,温州,丽水,建德,慈溪,余姚,奉化,平湖,海宁,桐乡,诸暨,嵊州,江山,兰溪,永康,义乌,东阳,临海,温岭,瑞安,乐清,龙泉,青海省,西宁,海东,格尔木,德令哈,玉树,海南省,海口,三亚,三沙,儋州,文昌,琼海,万宁,东方,五指山,台湾省,台北市,新北市,台中市,台南市,高雄市,桃园市,基隆市,新竹市,嘉义市竹北市,苗栗市,彰化市,南投市,斗六市,太保市,朴子市,屏东市,宜兰市,花莲市,台东市,马公市,广西壮族自治区,南宁,桂林,柳州,梧州,贵港,玉林,钦州,北海,防城港,崇左,百色,河池,来宾,贺州,靖西,岑溪,桂平,北流,东兴,凭祥,荔浦,合山,内蒙古自治区,呼和浩特,包头,乌海,赤峰,呼伦贝尔,通辽,乌兰察布,鄂尔多斯,巴彦淖尔,满洲里,扎兰屯,牙克石,根河,额尔古纳,乌兰浩特,阿尔山,霍林郭勒,锡林浩特,二连浩特,丰镇,宁夏回族自治区,银川,石嘴山,吴忠,中卫,固原,灵武,青铜峡,西藏自治区,拉萨,日喀则,昌都,林芝,山南,新疆维吾尔自治区,乌鲁木齐,克拉玛依,吐鲁番,哈密,石河子(八师),五家渠(六师),阿拉尔(一师),图木舒克(三师),北屯(十师),铁门关(二师),双河(五师),可克达拉(四师),昆玉(十四师),喀什,阿克苏,和田,阿图什,博乐,昌吉,阜康,库尔勒,伊宁,奎屯,塔城,乌苏,阿勒泰,阿拉山口,霍尔果斯,特别行政区,香港特别行政区,澳门特别行政区